In July of 2019 Schlicher Kratz Institute ceased operating real estate and appraisal classes in Pennsylvania by partnering with Polley Associates School of Real Estate. Polley Associates became the registrar of records for Schlicher Kratz real estate and appraisal classes. Many of the excellent Schlicher Kratz instructors were onboarded to teach alongside the talented Polley Associates staff. Polley Associates offers all the same great real estate classes Schlicher Kratz students grew accustomed to, with in-person classroom training, online classes, and livestream classes. If you are looking to sign up for new classes or old records please contact Polley Associates.
Mortgage education continued in Pennsylvania, Colibri Group, which owns the rights to the Schlicher Kratz brand and OnCourse Learning, began to promote Oncourse Learning Mortgage classes in Pennsylvania. With OnCourse learning students can take mortgage education online or on webinar. Oncourse Learning is the registrar of records for mortgage education for past Schlicher Kratz students. If you are looking for records or to sign up for new classes, please contact Oncourse Learning.