Schlicher Kratz has partnered with Pennsylvania state-approved Polley Associates School of Real Estate (approval number RE000002A) to provide the education.
Students who already know what they need and want to schedule can click below.
Here is a Link to our Guide to Becoming Broker: Which does a nice job of explaining everything that is required.
Students who need more information please review the page below.
Broker Education Requirements:
To become a broker in Pennsylvania applicants must earn 16 credits which are equal to 240 hours of pre-broker instruction. One credit will be granted for a 15-hour Polley Associates pre-broker course. Two credits will be granted for a 30-hour Polley Associates pre-broker course. Applicants may take Classroom (In-person), Livestream (Zoom), or Online (Self-paced) courses.

Mandatory Commission-Developed Courses (Both courses required)
The Real Estate Commission requires all applicants to take the two courses noted below. They are mandatory. These required courses account for four credits of the 16 credits needed. Real Estate Law (2 credits, 30 hours) Real Estate Office Management (2 credits, 30 hours)
Commission-Developed Courses* (Need at least 3 courses/Can take more)
In addition to the required credits the real estate commission requires the applicant to choose a minimum of three courses from the following commission-developed course list. They must account for at least six credits of your 16 needed education credits. Each course below is 2 credits (30 hours).
- Real Estate Finance
- Real Estate Investment
- Real Estate Sales
- Residential Construction
- Residential Property Management
- Valuation of Residential Property – Classroom or Online(Self-Paced)
- Basic Appraisal Procedures – Classroom/Livestream (Zoom) only
- Basic Appraisal Principles – Classroom/Livestream (Zoom) only
- Elective Courses or More Commission-Developed Courses (to complete remaining hours as needed)
The last remaining six credits of education can come from either the commission-developed courses listed above or from elective courses. Polley Associates regularly offers 1-credit and 2-credit elective courses. An example of an elective course would be the (ABR) Accredited Buyer Representation Course (1) credit; 15 hours. Polley Associates offers several other elective courses. Please see the Polley Associates schedule or call us for more course information.
Important Items to Remember: A maximum of four credits can be applied for each course and area of study.
Example: You wouldn’t be able to use more than four credits of appraisal courses. Basic Residential Appraisal Procedures, Basic Residential Appraisal Principles, and Commercial Real Estate Brokerage are all elective courses that can be taken online. Valuation of Residential Property is commission-developed online or in the classroom/Livestream, but you cannot take all three appraisal-based online courses toward a broker’s license due to the four credit maximum in an area of study
Feel free to call the main office if you need help scheduling. We’re here Monday – Thursday, 9 AM-5 PM, and Friday, 9 AM – 3 PM. Please call 610.353.6776.